Friday, January 08, 2010
Happy New Year! (Names are changed to keep anonymity)
Val J. Peter
New Year’s Resolutions
We ask our children to make New Year’s resolutions for the very simple reason that it is a New Year and as the New Year dawns, there is a fresh initiative of hope available to each and every one of us…a hope that we will grow and be kinder and better and more loving and more courageous. For this reason, we ask our kids to write New Year’s resolutions. We share some of them with you in the hope that you will be inspired by them.
1. My New Year’s resolution is to accept “No” for an answer and to stay in Community One until I am ready to go to a big house. This will mean that I have to promise myself not to run. I want to do this because when I go home, I want to be able to accept no for an answer and not argue. --Brittany
2. My New Year’s resolution is to be respectful to others by not talking back. By being respectful to my peers, I will not make rude comments to them, even though they deserve them…and many of them do deserve them. I will also talk to my Family-Teachers about my feelings and my problems. I know that I can trust them. --Debra
3. My New Year’s resolution is to set myself one goal every day and try hard to meet it. For example, one day I can try and improve on expressing my emotions and not hiding them all as I have learned to do. I am now eleven years old and growing up. I can do as well as the older girls do. --Lindsay
4. My New Year’s resolution is to work on having a better relationship with my mother by talking with her on the phone every week and trying to be pleasant, even when she is not so pleasant. If she hollers at me, I will hand the phone to my Family-Teacher.
5. My New Year’s resolution is to deal with my anger more often. I will take deep breaths before I get mad. I think that will help me a lot. --Tony
6. My New Year’s resolution is to look on the positive side of things and stop looking always at the bad side. I learned how to look at the bad side from my mother. I am very good at it. I will do what I need to accomplish this resolution in my heart.
7. My New Year’s resolution is to work so hard on my behaviors that I can leave Boys Town positively in the spring, whether it is April or May. I am going to achieve that goal by praying real hard every day and by trying real hard. --Michael
8. My New Year’s resolution is to control my impulses. I act before I think. People have told me that, but now I believe it. I know it is not so good. I will try a lot harder.
9. My New Year’s resolution is to do a better job with responsibility so that when I grow up and get married, I can be a good father and a good husband. I know that is hard because I have never seen it at my own home. --Cameron
10. My New Year’s resolution is to hold my temper for at least two weeks. If I don’t hold it for fourteen days, then I have to start again. I think if I try to do this every day, I will achieve my goal and be a better person. --Jesse
11. My New Year’s resolution is to get an office referral only three times a week instead of five times a week. I think that is a good resolution. Maybe Monday and Tuesday I can have office referrals, but not Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
--Name Withheld
12. My New Year’s resolution is to have good home visits and not run around with my gang friends. I am going to talk to my mom about this resolution and hope I can keep it.
13. My New Year’s resolution is to get my act together. That is what my dad always tells me to do, so I am going to try and do it. I am not sure what that means, but I am going to ask my Family-Teacher. --Billy
14. My New Year’s resolution is to be a better big brother to my little sister and to obey my mom. It is going to be hard, but I think I can do it. --Michael
15. My New Year’s resolution is when I am angry to not be acting with aggression.
16. My New Year’s resolution is to talk to my mom respectfully, by not calling her names and cussing at her, especially when she is drunk. --Name Withheld
17. My New Year’s resolution is to lose eight pounds. Maybe if I lose two pounds, I will be happy. --Dawn
Val J. Peter
New Year’s Resolutions
We ask our children to make New Year’s resolutions for the very simple reason that it is a New Year and as the New Year dawns, there is a fresh initiative of hope available to each and every one of us…a hope that we will grow and be kinder and better and more loving and more courageous. For this reason, we ask our kids to write New Year’s resolutions. We share some of them with you in the hope that you will be inspired by them.
1. My New Year’s resolution is to accept “No” for an answer and to stay in Community One until I am ready to go to a big house. This will mean that I have to promise myself not to run. I want to do this because when I go home, I want to be able to accept no for an answer and not argue. --Brittany
2. My New Year’s resolution is to be respectful to others by not talking back. By being respectful to my peers, I will not make rude comments to them, even though they deserve them…and many of them do deserve them. I will also talk to my Family-Teachers about my feelings and my problems. I know that I can trust them. --Debra
3. My New Year’s resolution is to set myself one goal every day and try hard to meet it. For example, one day I can try and improve on expressing my emotions and not hiding them all as I have learned to do. I am now eleven years old and growing up. I can do as well as the older girls do. --Lindsay
4. My New Year’s resolution is to work on having a better relationship with my mother by talking with her on the phone every week and trying to be pleasant, even when she is not so pleasant. If she hollers at me, I will hand the phone to my Family-Teacher.
5. My New Year’s resolution is to deal with my anger more often. I will take deep breaths before I get mad. I think that will help me a lot. --Tony
6. My New Year’s resolution is to look on the positive side of things and stop looking always at the bad side. I learned how to look at the bad side from my mother. I am very good at it. I will do what I need to accomplish this resolution in my heart.
7. My New Year’s resolution is to work so hard on my behaviors that I can leave Boys Town positively in the spring, whether it is April or May. I am going to achieve that goal by praying real hard every day and by trying real hard. --Michael
8. My New Year’s resolution is to control my impulses. I act before I think. People have told me that, but now I believe it. I know it is not so good. I will try a lot harder.
9. My New Year’s resolution is to do a better job with responsibility so that when I grow up and get married, I can be a good father and a good husband. I know that is hard because I have never seen it at my own home. --Cameron
10. My New Year’s resolution is to hold my temper for at least two weeks. If I don’t hold it for fourteen days, then I have to start again. I think if I try to do this every day, I will achieve my goal and be a better person. --Jesse
11. My New Year’s resolution is to get an office referral only three times a week instead of five times a week. I think that is a good resolution. Maybe Monday and Tuesday I can have office referrals, but not Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
--Name Withheld
12. My New Year’s resolution is to have good home visits and not run around with my gang friends. I am going to talk to my mom about this resolution and hope I can keep it.
13. My New Year’s resolution is to get my act together. That is what my dad always tells me to do, so I am going to try and do it. I am not sure what that means, but I am going to ask my Family-Teacher. --Billy
14. My New Year’s resolution is to be a better big brother to my little sister and to obey my mom. It is going to be hard, but I think I can do it. --Michael
15. My New Year’s resolution is when I am angry to not be acting with aggression.
16. My New Year’s resolution is to talk to my mom respectfully, by not calling her names and cussing at her, especially when she is drunk. --Name Withheld
17. My New Year’s resolution is to lose eight pounds. Maybe if I lose two pounds, I will be happy. --Dawn
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